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  • Michael Dattolico

A Second Option: The Khan Family’s Story

Committing to a task or option only to realize it was not the right one for you can be painful, and it's even more painful to decide whether or not to pull out or keep going. In this article, we’ll cover the Khan family’s story and how selling as-is offered them a second option when the going all in can get tough.

The Khan’s had lived in their house for over 10 years, with many cherished memories. With age, the home started to need some work, and so the Khans decided to start renovating. The floors, kitchen, bathrooms, walls, they were going the whole 9 yards to renovate their home to make it fresh as new.

Half way through however, they realized they wouldn’t have the funds to finish all the renovations they were looking for. Since they worked on everything at once, when they noticed their funds were short they were left with a half done kitchen, a bathroom with no sinks, and no floors. When they came to us at EverSan Cooper, we were able to close a deal in 2 weeks, allowing them to have the funds to move into a new home without worry.

We hope you found the Khan family’s story insightful and show the value of selling a home as-is. At EverSan Cooper, we take your stress away by buying as-is, with a quick process to buy your home at market prices. Call today to book an appointment for a free home review and let us handle the rest.

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